  • LIC No.: 103/MC-1./MA/DM/KPT2018

Our Services


With Stepping Stones each student gets one to one counseling sessions. You can talk to our experts and counselors and they'll help you make the right choice about the course, university and even the destination country.

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Course Selection

Experts at Stepping Stones offer complete assistance for the required tests. Filling the applications, scheduling your tests, providing reference score card and list of universities.

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University Selection

Pre-application process involves getting the forms and all the necessary documents. From filling up the admission forms to updating you about the last dates of submission.

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Visa Interview Preparation

Once the admission formalities are done, the student needs to apply for visa for the destination country. Visa application can be a cumbersome process, but if you the guidance of an expert it makes the process easier.

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Our University

Need consultant? contact Stepping Stones Experts


Exam Preparation


  • It is because of the one to one attention during the IELTS class and the guidance I have been able to realise my dreams.

    Azeem Khan

  • I was treated like family and I am glad that I took Bluesky's help to reach Australia.


  • Stepping Stones helped me every step from teaching IELTS to getting my visa finding accomodation and also assisted me in finding part time job Australia


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