Stepping Stones and Student Consultancy Service
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Study in Balkans

 Stepping Stones

Why Study in Balkans Country?
Combining highly-individualized academic programming with structured overseas immersion, the Balkan Language Initiative enables students to make rapid gains in language proficiency and cultural knowledge while living and studying in one of six countries in Southeast Europe. Through homestays, conversation partners, in-class instruction, and a wide range of extracurricular activities, participants enjoy an unprecedented opportunity to immerse themselves in daily local life in a region largely unserved by study abroad programs

Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia

Education and Living Cost for studying in Balkans Country
Participants receive 15 to 18 hours per week of classroom instruction - either individually or in small groups - designed to strengthen speaking, listening, reading, and writing proficiency in the target language. Course work typically includes classes in phonetics, grammar, and conversation as well as composition, oral comprehension, and reading. Language courses also cover topics in literature, history, politics, culture, and area studies. All classes are conducted in the target language by host-country faculty with extensive experience teaching foreign students.

Participants receive academic credit through Bryn Mawr College, an institutional member of American Councils. Upon successful completion of the program, Bryn Mawr College issues:.

Living cost in Balkans Country
All program participants live with a host family for the duration of the program. Living with a host family provides valuable cultural experience to complement the academic program. Host families expose participants to authentic, everyday life in the host country while also providing a supportive environment for students to practice their growing language skills. While staying with a host family, participants are provided with a private room, two meals per day, and keys to the apartment or house. All host families are screened, selected, and monitored by American Councils staff.

All participants are provided with a single-entry visa (if applicable) to the host country for the duration of the academic program. It is the student's responsibility to obtain any other visas required by their individual itineraries. Visa application information and forms are provided upon acceptance to the program.

Program participants are encouraged to pursue volunteer opportunities in their host country. American Councils staff can provide advice and assistance in identifying volunteer opportunities in fields which are of interest to students. Engaging with the local community offers a unique insight into the host country society, rich cultural experience, and a deeper sense of personal fulfillment.